Do Parrots Make Good Pets For Kids

Do Parrots Make Good Pets For Kids

For many years, parents have wondered whether or not parrots can make good pets for children, If you have just found yourself in this type of situation, then you have come to the right place! In this article, you will learn what goes into keeping a pet parrot, basic...
5 Cheap Bird Toys You Can Make at Home

5 Cheap Bird Toys You Can Make at Home

A problem that many bird owners face is the issue of providing enough toys for their pets.Many great bird toys can be purchased from online shops as well but they are very expensive for a bird who is a heavy chewer and breaks his toys very quickly.Check out these...
7 Top Pet Bird Species for Senior Owners

7 Top Pet Bird Species for Senior Owners

Many advantages can come from the company of companion animals.You may be shocked at just how much the company of little birds can increase the life quality of an older person. If you’re searching for chatty companions, pet birds may be for you. Down below is a...