It is scientifically proven that some parrot species have the emotional complexity of a five year old baby. It is a full time job to keep such intelligent creatures happy ad comfortable. If you know the major needs of your bird,then it can be very easy to keep you pet healthy and happy. This article contains cool tips, by following those tips your bird will never feel bored, depressed or un happy.
1.Let your bird exercise alot
Birds normally get all the exercise that they require through flying.Like foraging for food and keeping themselves save from hunters.In custody,it is difficult to provide sufficient exercise unless you do a collective effort to do so.By offering your pet bird few creative exercise outlets will not just keep your feathered friend in good health.It will also help to stay happy at home as well.
2.Feed variety of food
Fresh food like fruits and vegetables have great healthy benefit for birds ,in addition to commercially produced seeds and pellet mixes.Those food are not only important to ensure proper nutrition and vitamin intake,infact providing new foods to your pet bird will also cause happiness and mental stimulation in your pet bird.Bird owners who provide variety of healthy bird safe food in their dinner bowls ,their birds are much happier and healthier.
3.Teach your bird fun tricks
A professional is not necessary required to teach bird to do tricks.Birds learn faster and more quickly from people with whom they are strongly bonded to.By teaching your bird few fun tricks can do great for your relationship with your pet bird .It is also a great feeling to show your friends and family memebers that how cool fun tricks your bird does.Always remmeber not to expect too much from your bird.Keep your training seesions short.There shoul be fun and consistency in training sessions.Only with a little practice your bird will be able to learn fun tricks.
4.Choose suitable cages for your birds
Busy working hours often make it difficult for bird owners to spend too much time with their pets and that is totally understable.However it is really important to do everything possible to make sure that your bird is fully entertained during your absence.Getting them interesting and appropiate bird toys is really necessary to keep your birds happy throughout the day.Birds are just like toddlers,they get bored quickly with the same old toys.For this you can build up a collection of different items that can be rotate in and out in your bird’s cage in order to keep them happy and fresh for your feathered bird.
5.Daily take time to socialize with your pet bird
It is very important to take time to socialize with your pet bird.It is useless to keep a bird without giving proper time.If you want to have good and happy relationship with your bird then you must spend time with your bird or it will feel neglected and un happy.So make sure to spend minimum three to four hours per day with your pet bird.
See Also:Easy Ways to Bond With Your Bird
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