Pigeons are popular pets.They are short-legged,strong bodied birds that are found everywhere in the world.As pets,it is owner’s duty to meet their needs and also take care of common diseases that they may get.Pigeon diseases have variety of symptoms which includes breathing problems,diarrhea and even death.
It is caused by a little organism named a protozoan.It usually caused breathing problems.It is a disease that is quickly transferred from bird to bird but thankfully it is not able to last outside of a bird for more than few minutes.This disease is passed on to other pigeons when they share water bowls,exhibit billing with other adults and supply young pigeons crop milk.
The organism that leads canker is usually found in a pigeon’s crop,throat,cloaca,bile duct,proventriculus and other parts of the digestive area.Symptoms of canker vary depending on what part of the body it is found in. As it normally affects the throat,most pigeons will have breathing problems due to the nodules on the tonsils.Other symptoms include weight loss,drowsiness and bleeding from the mouth and cloaca. Symptoms gets worse if the disease is not cured and canker can lead bird to death.
Canker looks like other types of infections like abscess but canker will just damage parts of the pigeon’s body that are close to digestive tracts.It means a lesion on a wing would sure not be canker.The organism may also be seen microscopically in the stool.If your pigeon got this disease it can be treated with proper medication given by your pet vet.Often surgical removal of the nodule is necessary by your vet.
Like other kinds of animals,pigeon can accommodate different kinds of worms in their intestinal tract.Roundworms,hairworms and tapeworms grow and inhabit in the digestive tract of pigeons and can cause weaknes,diarrhea,increased sensitivity to other diseases and performance issues in competitive pigeons.Often you can see worms passed in the stool of pigeon.
Pigeons get worms from consuming insects and ingesting infected droppings from other birds.So it can be really difficult to avoid your pigeon from getting worms.Microscopic examination of your bird’s droppings is advisable to screen for these parasites and treatment involve medication like other pigeon medicine.You can give medicine in the pigeon water.
Like worms,coccidia is an intestinal protozoan that is developed in pigeons and other animals.It causes diarrhea,loss of nutrient absorption,weakness,drowsiness and weight loss.This disease is very easily transmitted from one pigeon to another pigeon when they eat infected droppings.
Coccidia is a tiny organism.You will need microscope to see it.Therefore regular check up’s are recommended to ensure your bird does not have an abundance of coccidia.If your pigeon has coccidia and loose droppings proper medications should be given to treat it.
Pigeon Hexamita is very similar to the protozoan that causes canker in pigeons.It is also found in the digestive tract of pigeons.Hexamita is not dangerous for most pigeons like canker.It is still recommended to treat a bird that has hexamita.
The organism can be detected microscopically in stool.It is often confused with canker because of their similar appearance.It usually goes unnoticed in normal pigeons.It causes diarrhea if it overpopulates pigeon’s intestinal tract.
Lice, Mites and Flies
Pigeon lice, mites and flies are a big bother to your pet pigeon. These pests not only bite and disturb your bird but they can also cause serious damage. Scabby appearance to the un feathered parts of your pigeon, little holes in the feather shafts,itchy birds are all signs of external parasites.Depending on the type of parasite, medicated sprays are used on a pigeon that is infected.
Respiratory Infections
The most fearful type of problem faced by pigeon owners is respiratory infections.Respiratory infections are extremely transmissible.old,stressed and young birds are prone to infection.
Due to respirtory infections birds find difficulty in breathing and flying.If it is not given proper treatment ,pigeon breathing problem will get increased and will ultimately die.
Many factors can lead to respiratory infection.Factors include fungi,viruses,bacteria and mites.The infections can cover the lungs,air sacs,sinuses and other parts of the respiratory passage.
Proper medication is very important if your bird gets respiratory infections.
There are different strains of chlamydia in pigeons. Some birds do not have any symptoms. But if your pigeon is tensed,he may have a flare-up of this virus.
Medications to treat the virus can be given to birds with symptoms of chlamydia but the disease cannot be cured. Respiratory infections caused by the virus are the real concern in birds who have chlamydia so they are usually treated symptomatically while ensuring their environment is ideal (avoid dampness, fluctuating temperatures, etc.).
Pigeon Mycoplasma
Also a cause of respiratory infections, mycoplasma can infect pigeons in their respiratory passage. The symptoms of a mycoplasma infection are the same as those of a chlamydia and other respiratory infections so depending on the part of the respiratory tract that is diseased, you may see nasal discharge, coughing, sneezing and other symptoms.
Stress is again the main reason why a pigeon will show symptoms of mycoplasma.
So, having a clean, stress-free, ideal environment for your pet is necessary in keeping your bird healthy.
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