Common Plants That Are Toxic to Birds

Common Plants That Are Toxic to Birds

People who keep parrots and other pet birds at home.They must be very careful regarding types of plants,they keep in their homes.As many common houseplants are highly toxic to birds.Toxicity depends on the pant variet,the size of the bird and how much the bird...

Do Parrots Make Good Pets For Kids

Do Parrots Make Good Pets For Kids

For many years, parents have wondered whether or not parrots can make good pets for children, If you have just found yourself in this type of situation, then you have come to the right place! In this article, you will learn what goes into keeping a pet parrot, basic...

Diseases People Can Catch From Pet Birds

Diseases People Can Catch From Pet Birds

Diseases that can be passed from animals to humans are called zoonotic diseases. Any type of pet can put you at risk of contracting a zoonotic illness. Read this article to learn about zoonotic illnesses that affect birds and their owners. While the odds of...